CDSW has a drop-off procedure in place for your convenience. The safety of all is our first concern. Our upper parking lot & loop are one-way so when you park for drop off, please pull all the way over to the right next to the curb to allow the loop traffic to continue to flow. Please be mindful of your speed as you approach the school.  If possible, please have car seats with uncomplicated buckles & straps on the passenger side of the car. CDSW staff will take children out of their car seats and escort them into their classrooms. As a reminder, cell phones must be off when entering/exiting the school. When you are parking & walking into the school, for safety's sake, please hold your child’s (children’s) hand & be aware of cars coming in and out of the school. To follow through with our safety procedures, the lower back door will be locked at all times. The front door will be locked daily at 9:30 am, please use the buzzer to enter the building.

Snow Day Policy

In the event of a Wilton Public School closing, CDSW will also be closed.  In the event of a Wilton Public School two hour delay, CDSW will have a 1 hour delay (10am opening).  In the event of a Wilton Public School three hour delay, CDSW will have a 2 hour delay (11am opening). For all school delays, early drop off will be available beginning 1 hour prior to school opening. In the event of a Wilton Public School early dismissal, CDSW will close at 12pm noon.  The Connecticut Weather website (www.ctweather.com) has up-to-date information regarding the status of the Wilton Public Schools. You can sign up on that site for an email & text notifications. 

Snack Policy

Children bring snack from home each day. With adult supervision, the children will help set the tables. CDSW supports the ethic of gratitude. During snack time, we also go around the table & the children are encouraged to reflect things they are thankful for.


We love to celebrate birthdays & half birthdays (children born in the summer). Parents are asked to bring in a special nut-free treat for all the children in the classroom. Please be sure the ingredients are not made on a cross contaminated belt.  Many of the children enjoy donating a copy of their favorite book for us to read to the class together on their special day. We put the book in the school library with a special plaque inside the front cover with the child’s name. 

Nut-free School

Due to the prevalence of peanut & nut allergies, we are a nut-free school.  We ask that parents not send their children to school with any food that contains peanut tree nuts (i.e., walnuts, almonds, pistachios, etc.). If you have any questions about what to bring, please call the office any time Monday-Friday 9am-2:30pm at 203-762-8001.

Allergy Policy

If a child has been diagnosed by a doctor to have an allergy, the following protocol must be followed:

  • The child’s medical form should state that they have a severe allergy or medical condition that requires an epi-pen or other medication at school.  Exactly what they are allergic to should be clearly stated.

  • The form, “Emergency Health Care Plan”, needs to be filled out completely.  This form needs to be filled out for each medication (including Benadryl) kept at school & requires information/signatures from both the child’s parent/guardian & the physician who is prescribing the medication.

  • The doctor who signs the Authorization Form has to be the same one who prescribes the medication whether it be the pediatrician or allergist.  

  • The parent must ensure that the child has the correct epi-pen for their age & weight. 

  • CDSW requires two epi-pens at the school to be in compliance with state regulations.  


The staff are all trained in CPR, first aid & epi-pen administration.  As a policy, if a child has an allergy that requires an epi-pen, the child will have the epi-pen & all required paperwork in a sealed box in their classroom. The staff will follow the protocol designated by the physician. No other medication will be administered by any staff.  

Sick Policy

Many times children really want to come to school when they are not feeling well. We ask that you as the parent make that decision, keeping in mind the wellbeing of your child, as well as the other children & staff members. There also may be circumstances when your child does not present specific symptoms or a fever, but may not be feeling well & may not be able to participate in class. We ask you to use your best judgment. In the event your child becomes ill while at school, we will contact you. Please remember your child must be fever free without the assistance of medication for at least 24 hours before returning to school.  Parents will be notified when there is a case of a communicable disease. The name of the child will remain confidential.

COVID-19 Policy

CDSW continues to follow all State of Connecticut, Wilton Health Department, and CDC Requirements related to COVID-19.

Security Policy

CDSW values the security of every child in the building. We have a Ring camera system as well as other measures to ensure the security of the school and safety of the children. As new measures are deemed necessary by the town of Wilton & the State of Connecticut, CDSW will certainly adhere to all updated procedures. Please contact CDSW directly to learn more specifics of the security policy.


Children’s Day School of Wilton Inc. admits students of any race, color, national and ethnic origin to all the rights, privileges, programs, and activities generally accorded or made available to students at the school. It does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national and ethnic origin in administration of its educational policies, admission policies, scholarship and loan programs, and athletic and other school-administered programs.